Dear Blythe Fan,
Congratulations! You have been selected in the lottery to purchase the Neo Darling Diva Blythe!
Your winning Darling Diva Lottery number is: DD- ***
*Please keep this reference number to claim your doll order.
Please fill out the order form that can be found on the CWC International Online shopping page.
You have won the right to purchase: 1 Neo Darling Diva
Be sure to print clearly your:
Credit Card Number, Exp. Date, and type of card (Visa or Mastercard Only)
Name, Darling Diva Lottery Number, Address, City, Zip Code, Country,
Tel, Fax, and Email Address.
Fax the completed order form to: 813-3496-5572
**The deadline for the Darling Diva order form is November 8th, 2006. If you fail to fax your form by this date, your order will be cancelled. Orders will be terminated if: your handwriting cannot be read, your card does not clear, incomplete information is given or if you fail to respond to this email.**
Thank you very much for your interest in Darling Diva and Congratulations!
Best Regards,
Congratulations! You have been selected in the lottery to purchase the Neo Darling Diva Blythe!
Your winning Darling Diva Lottery number is: DD- ***
*Please keep this reference number to claim your doll order.
Please fill out the order form that can be found on the CWC International Online shopping page.
You have won the right to purchase: 1 Neo Darling Diva
Be sure to print clearly your:
Credit Card Number, Exp. Date, and type of card (Visa or Mastercard Only)
Name, Darling Diva Lottery Number, Address, City, Zip Code, Country,
Tel, Fax, and Email Address.
Fax the completed order form to: 813-3496-5572
**The deadline for the Darling Diva order form is November 8th, 2006. If you fail to fax your form by this date, your order will be cancelled. Orders will be terminated if: your handwriting cannot be read, your card does not clear, incomplete information is given or if you fail to respond to this email.**
Thank you very much for your interest in Darling Diva and Congratulations!
Best Regards,
當初收到這個信件是很掙扎的,原本興高采烈的以為這個抽獎可以得到一個五週年的限量娃,後來才發現原來是抽到購買權。打聽過後才知道,也許是因為這個五週年的 Neo Diva 價格不菲,雖然日本人寄來的通知信冷酷無情又高調的很,但其實抽到購買權其實一點兒都不難。
除了大家已經知道的,為了提她們回飯店提到兩手掌腫脹、肩頸痠痛、大腿還被日本人迂迴的用紙箱角角碰撞法弄到瘀青,從代官山的 Junie Moon 回飯店的路途中,我當然不時想著當初幹麻野心這麼大,現在可給自己找了個大麻煩。
內心偷偷後悔的時候,還有一個我從未曾透露過的秘密,就是 Ami 買下《草莓豆千代》的時候。當時自知無法再提任何多餘的東西回飯店、更沒辦法再帶太多其他東西上飛機,只有一個 Neo Diva 的 Ami 還行有餘力的再買一個盒子尺寸只有五週年紀念小布 1/5 的娃,而且還是人家特別標明的「今日限定」,真是令人羨慕至極。
二子媽曾反應過雖然我前後介紹過幾隻娃,不過她實在看不出來有何不同。其實像我這樣只憑心裡喜歡,對任何資訊、手藝又非常不巧的超初級娃媽來說,要不是親眼見過幾隻娃﹝後來在 Junie Moon 又見識更多了﹞,

完全就是個氣質卓絕的大家閨秀,就連她的出身都是。CWC 限定版的《草莓豆千代》,連在 Junie Moon 都是缺貨已久的限量商品,漂亮的臉型、容易搭配打理的特質,更成為許多玩家的收藏品。聽說她的髮色也是一大特點,看起來好似茶金色的長髮,在陽光下會閃耀著淡淡的紫色,也成為她最大的特色。
擁有這些獨特的優勢,Ami 也許是怕自己三分鐘熱度的個性、或是忙得沒什麼時間跟豆千代好好培養感情,總之她決定不要荼毒豆千代,這兩天決定把她網拍掉了。這樣說來,我跟豆千代短短的緣分,也只有幫她拍幾張照片留念而已。